
Context of Early Islamic Conquest

Given the modern phenomenon of extremist violence and terrorism, there are some political activists and media commentators who associate such violence with verse in the Holy Qur’an and the martial activity during the times of Holy Prophet Muhammad (on whom be peace) and his followers who defeated the super-powers of Eastern Rome and Persia, and raised a great empire. This article explores historical academia on the geopolitical and martial activity of early Islam to illustrate that this context, unlike religious extremism today, was fully justified and essentially has no justification for religious enforcement and violence.

Does the Quran Promote Muslim Supremacy?

A major allegations raised against the Holy Qur’an by detractors is that it contains verses that promote anti-Semitism and supremacy of Muslims over other religious adherents. This article scrutinizes the verses to illustrate that the Qur’an in no way makes any such assertion.

The Sharia According to the Quran

The term Sharia, or what is understood as Islamic Law, has become a controversial subject in the West given the acts of extremists and misconceived laws in some Muslim nations who wrongly prescribe punishments for blasphemy and apostasy with no regard for freedom of conscience. Sharia law is also misunderstood as enforcing Islamic law on all subjects of the state, whether Muslim or non-Muslim. However, if we review and analyze the Holy Qur’an and the acts of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (on whom be peace) we realize that the true meaning of Sharia based on Islam teachings does not permit enforcement of religious laws upon non-Muslims, and in fact it upholds the freedom of religion and conscience.

The False Abrogation of Verses in the Quran

Some orthodox scholars propagate the idea that certain verses of the Holy Qur’an are abrogated by verses revealed later in time. This theory of abrogation has played a role in the problem of extremist ideology that results in terrorism and intolerance. For example, some theologians argue that the verse 2:257 (There should be no compulsion in religion…) which asserts universal freedom of religion has been abrogated, thereby opening ideological intolerance of other religions. This article analyzes the history of abrogation, verses of the Holy Qur’an and the saying of Prophet Muhammad (on whom be peace) to dismantle this flawed and baseless theory.